Dream Your
Dream !
~ Where will your dreams take you?
What keeps you from your biggest dream? Do you ever wonder how some people can accomplish the seemingly impossible? I have, but I’ve come to understand that it’s just because they think differently. They don’t let their thoughts come in the way of their dreams, they don’t put up psychological barriers, they don’t put up walls.
They accept the challenge dreams provide and don’t accept failure, they just dream and go with it.
7 Simple Steps to a Carefree Trip
Step 1: Dream Big !
Go Big Or Go Home !
I love the saying, and it certainly applies to travel – but what does it really mean? I think it’s taking the risk of a giant loss with the confidence of a GIANT WIN! Go for it- and be ALL IN!
Dreaming is free, so let your mind go. God made us uniquely different with the ability, strength and fortitude to do whatever our hearts desire. Don’t keep yourself from your dreams! REMOVE the word CAN’T from your vocabulary. Tell Yourself ~ I CAN DO IT! ~ I’M WORTH IT! I DESERVE MY DREAMS!!

Your biggest dream might be stepping foot on all 7 continents, sleeping over tropical waters in a tiki hut visiting the Maldives (I want the room with the slide to the water) or climbing Mt. Fuji and sleeping in one of the mountain huts to see the sunrise over the clouds with hot tea. Maybe it’s taking your first solo trip to experience complete freedom, completing the pilgrimage hike of the Camino to Santiago de Compostela in Spain or camping in all 50 United States. Whatever your dream is – it’s possible…
I Wonder.......
What keeps you from your biggest dream? Do you ever wonder how some people can accomplish the seemingly impossible? I have, but I’ve come to understand that it’s just because they think differently. They don’t let their thoughts come in the way of their dreams, they don’t put up psychological barriers, they don’t put up walls.
They accept the challenge dreams provide and don’t accept failure, they just dream and go with it.

Step 2: Research and Learn
Gather the details
So, where and how do you start? This is something I am often asked. Remember, time is Money $$$.
I’ve created a few planning sheets to help you along. I have also listed below the steps I take to help the research.
If you know some of the details before you go, you can enjoy your time and immerse yourself in the culture knowing you’re not missing anything. That doesn’t mean that every moment is planned, but if you do some planning you won’t be sitting in the piazza with a guidebook wondering what to do first (wasting time and money).
Hey there! Just a quick heads up - I've sprinkled some affiliate links on the page. They won't cost you a penny extra, but if you book or purchase through them, I'll earn a little commission that keeps this blog up and running. All opinions are my own. Thanks for your support, and happy travels!
Step 3: Planning
This is how I plan a trip - In this Order:
OK, so it’s true. I’ve been known to read a guide book from cover to cover. If they’re well written I can read them like a novel. Don’t skimp on information, it saves you time and money. Don’t hesitate to buy a $20 guide for a $2000 experience. It will pay for itself in the first day! If you’re on a budget, check out the library. The publication may be a few years old, but the main sites will be the same.
Click on a book below – over the picture you’ll find the “look inside” link – page through it to see the format.
#1 DK Eyewitness Guides – Touted as the guide books that “shows you what others only tell you”. This is the first book I always research with because they are FULL of pictures, illustrations and details of sites. These guides give a paragraph or two for each significant town in a region along with a picture. Cities and sites of high interest are described over several pages with everything you need to know to visit. Historically, these books are so incredible heavy that I would not actually carry the book around with me, but instead study it and take notes on a sheet of paper. Recently they have changed the format a bit and a new lighter paperback style will make this guide even better.
#2 Rick Steves – If you are going anywhere in Europe then the gold standard in my view is the Rick Steves’ series of books. His books have been out and updated yearly since the early 70’s and many of us have done complete European tours with them. The books are packed with detailed insight however, they are limited to the major sites and cities of each country with a few ‘back door’ gems mixed in. Rick has always encouraged his readers to travel through the back door and find your own hidden discoveries. As the years have passed, I have found some special places of my own.
#3 Lonely Planet / Fudors/ Frommers – for any destination, these guides are a gold mine of knowledge. As with all great guides, they give great commentary of sites but also give detail of smaller sights and tend to have more written information than pictures. The writers selected to research for these books do a great job and finding things off the beaten path and discovering local favorites. I read these closely in my planning for small details that make a big difference.
#4 Actual paper maps – Although many don’t see the need for paper maps anymore, and I’ll admit I use my phone navigation often, a paper map can really help in planning a trip. I buy one and tape it to a wall to get a really good overview of the area I’m going. I use sticky flags to mark my locations and post-it notes to jot down the sites there.
#5 Google Maps -After I find a few guides to search I then head to good old Google Maps. Pick a place and start zooming in. You’ll be shocked at how may out of the way places and sites you’ll find. Guide books can’t list every shrine, museum and church, castle and restaurant but if you do simple searches or areas you’ll find your own must-sees. I spend hours goofing off on Google Maps. The Thirsty Explorer is always looking to find those great beer breaks and wine shops with tastings, so this is almost the only way to really get down to business!
Step 4: Planning Sheets - to Organize Your Research
I realize some people don’t like planning, which is OK, too. Every person’s adventure is created differently, and living on the fly is rewarding for some. But my thoughts are that even if you have unlimited time, money, and resources, showing up in a city of sights only to find out a reservation is needed for that ‘must-see’ place is disheartening.
If you know some of the details before you go, you can enjoy your time and immerse yourself in the culture or experience knowing you’re not missing anything. That doesn’t mean that every moment is planned, but if you do some planning you won’t be sitting in the piazza with a guidebook wondering what to do first (wasting time and money).
My Personal Planning Sheets:
I’ve created two planning sheets to help me save money and time, and I use them! The downloaded PDF’s have a fill in sheet, instructions and an example.
Thirsty Explorer Preflight Planner – My preflight planner is designed to be filled out with all the basics. It will cover the basics, and get you on your way.
Thirsty Explorer Daily Planner – My daily planner is a basic listing and checklist for your daily sites – all your basics on one sheet, it will organize the sites you don’t want to miss in each city or stop. (I’ve learned the hard way☹️)
My planning sheets are in a format similar to a travel claim. Each sequential location is itemized so that in the end you have an itinerary that is organized. – a preflight (aviation term) planning sheet for getting to your destinations and a daily planning sheet of the sites you don’t want to miss.
⬇️Planning Sheet Examples Below ⬇️

Step 5: Create the Path
Now that you’ve gathered your basic information, it’s time to create the path…
So, you’ve organized your destinations and estimated the how, what, when, where and why – now you can create the path.
Creating the path is simply writing down what you need to do before your trip to actually go: you start with today and end with the day of your departure.
Your path includes: The best time to go weather wise, time off from work or family, planning sheets kept up to date and – SAVING ! If you’re independently wealthy- contact me !
Think – who, what, where, when and how with usually the most important variable – COST, how much you’ll need.
Step 6: Rejoice and Explore !
Ta Da!! You did it! You’ve planned a journey of a lifetime!
You researched a dream destination, how you’ll get there, and with who (if anyone). You estimated the costs and variables along with learning the safety precautions necessary. And finally, you prepared the path…
So, first things first. The first thing I do is say a heartfelt prayer of thanks and request a healthy and safe trip. I’ve worked hard and sacrificed a lot over my life to be able to travel and so have the people around me to accommodate my crazy unending desire to explore and I am very thankful.
Step 7 : Rules of the Road!
- Make an oath and commit to being militantly optimistic – and make others around you agree to the pact.
- Expect the unexpected – labor strikes, weather, theft, dead batteries, sickness, sites closed, riots, chaos – can and will happen when you least expect it. You need to be able to be flexible and say, “Oh well, it will be OK”
- Learn to take a break (I struggle with this). There will be times when you need to stop and regroup.
- Think long and hard about who you are compatible with when choosing a travel companion. Nothing can make a trip more miserable than traveling with a night owl when you’re an early bird (ask my brother as I kicked the bed- GET UP!). Some people aren’t interested in museums while others think of vacation as a time to lay by the pool or beach ALL DAY. Lord knows that’s not me! I have a hard time relaxing for over a few hours before boredom sets in. ADHD? Well, if so, I’ve definetly used it as an asset and to my advantage! I’m good for some beers on the water or wine at sunset but with so much to see I can’t sit still.
- Don’t worry – Be Happy !