~thirsty for all things travel !

About Me

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Thirsty Explorer on the loose in Sardinia

Hey Everyone,

I’m Angela, a freshly retired US Navy Officer, Mom and Thirsty Explorer.  What is a Thirsty Explorer you ask?  Well, it all began as somewhat of a joke as my friends and I ventured out in search of fun and always ended with a drink or two, not always alcoholic, but usually a beer or glass of wine.   And… a blog?  It all started like this:

My Galavanting Journey

My Galivanting Journey began when I was just a girl. We only had a few channels of TV, and the good stuff was only on Saturday morning.  It was a time with basically no modern technology.  My favorite subject has ALWAYS been geography. With no electronics, internet or cell phones, I would lay on the living room floor and study the National Geographic World Atlas, daydreaming about what it was like at that moment in a country far, far away.  We also subscribed to National Geographic Magazine and I read each issue from front to back, always finding interest in all the different peoples, cultures, and faraway places.  I thought it would be so ‘neat’ to join the Navy and see the world.

The 'Ol Pontiac

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‘Ol Pontiac Stationwagon

Some of my earliest memories are looking out the window of our white Pontiac station wagon with red interior. The very back seat faced backwards, with the ‘tailgate’ of the car opening like a door. I thought it was so cool.  I loved sitting there barreling down the interstate, my face pressed up against the glass, seeing if l could count the lines passing under me at light speed, fading away in the distance.  The best part of the ride was hitting a good bump since we didn’t have to wear those pesky seat belts back then – we were FREE! (often to the dismay of my mother)

How Much Longer?

Dry Tortugas National Park Beach
Dry Tortugas National Park

Our travels took us to all points North, South, East or West.  We didn’t have much money so it was usually a camping trip or a National Park adventure.  We would head out, us kids in the back seat with dad smoking a putrid cigar, insisting the smoke was entirely leaving the vehicle out the slightly cracked window.  It wasn’t !…. ugh.  We didn’t have air conditioning either, so I sat there with my tight ponytails, wiping away stray hairs sticking to my neck from the humidity and wind.  It’s just the way it was.

Hey there! Just a quick heads up - I've sprinkled some affiliate links on the page. They won't cost you a penny extra, but if you book or purchase through them, I'll earn a little commission that keeps this blog up and running. All opinions are my own. Thanks for your support, and happy travels!

Ready to Explore

Kamakura Japan
Kamakura Japan


Fast forward to the 80’s…  I was 17 and street smart, ambitious, and ready for the world.  I was with my parents at a Merle Haggard concert and word on the street was the band was heading to their favorite country bar the Ban-Dar (“Where the Girls Are, ~ At 5 Points in Ventura!”).  As we entered, I skirted the bouncer and flew in under the radar as my parents paid the cover and blocked his view. We sat down at a small round bar table next to a super cute guy and his friends.  I asked, “Are you from around here?” Much to my surprise they told me they were from out of town and were going to Japan in the morning for 2 weeks.  They were in the Navy Reserve!  I said, “What? You’re going where for two weeks? One weekend a month and two weeks in Japan each year?” I was stunned at the thought of traveling the world and getting paid to boot!  It sounded fun. I could join the Navy working part time and see the world. 

Exploring Here I Come!

Thirsty Explorer does Boot Camp 

My destiny was set and shortly after that fateful meeting my parents signed me away to the Navy. Soon I was down at MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Center) heading for boot camp.  I was only 17 but totally ready to explore.  These old pictures are so funny.  Needless to say, since going to boot camp I have had NO DESIRE to stay at a hostel.

My Passion

Sunset on Cefalu Beach, Sicily
Sunset on Cefalu Beach, Sicily

My Passion ~ dreaming up, planning and executing a trip.  It goes without saying I’ve been obsessed with travel for nearly my entire life.  In all honesty, there hasn’t been a day I can remember when I didn’t get up and at some point think about where and when I could venture to my next destination. It’s just the way I am.  And even though I haven’t had much money, I’ve found ways to explore the world. After 25 countries and all 50 states I feel like I’ve only just begun. I’ve been blessed beyond belief at the travels my military career has taken me and the lifelong friends I’ve found. 

Thirsty Explorer Climbs Mt. Fuji
Climbing Mt. Fuji

I’m finally retired! And I’m still browsing my National Geographic Atlas, but now I play with Google World for fun and read travel guides from cover to cover. Crazy as it sounds, I love planning just as much as the actual travel.  When I begin to research and dig into all the things I can see and do I get even more excited.  Time is priceless, because it’s forever – and you can’t get back once it’s gone, so I treat it as a such! I invest hours in advance preparing for how to get there, what to see, costs, opening times, days closed – you name it!  When I get there hopefully, I’m prepared, confident and ready for action. Ask any poor soul that tags along, and they’ll tell you – my vacations are NOT relaxing, too much to see and do!  That’s when the beer at the beach, wine at dinner or an aperitif at sunset comes into play – takes the edge off and helps me to relax. 

My Goal

Road to Temple Hera Agrigento Sicily
Road to Temple Hera

My goal ~ to attempt to share all I’ve learned about places I’ve been and the planning so others can benefit from what I’ve discovered, learned or kept on file.  People are always asking me how I knew where to go, how to get there, train schedules, metro stops, hours open late, best beer stops, things to buy and everything I ‘just knew’. I can never really share what they’re wanting to know in a short conversation so we’ll see if I can explain it in simple terms people can read or download. With each new post I will end with the details, links and tips of my planning so that maybe someone can benefit from my obsessive quest for destination knowledge. 

If you love to travel too, and are looking for some inspiration and information, that is what I hope to bring to everyone that reads this blog.  My next beer will be to YOU !

Thirsty Explorer - Angela
Cheers ! Prost ! Cin Cin !



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